Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity

What is Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity?

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is about making sure everyone gets treated fairly and has the same chances. It works to stop unfair treatment or prejudice against people because of who they are or what group they belong to.

This section is about making sure no one feels left out at work- This could be due to their age, ethnicity, gender, culture, language and many other factors. This principle will be upheld within all delivery at Portland Training,  in classrooms, online or face-to-face.

EDI Explained


Making sure no one feels left out at work- This could be due to their age, ethnicity, gender, culture, language and many other factors. This principle will be upheld within all delivery, classrooms, online or face-to-face.


Diversity should be recognised in the workplace and there should be an appreciation of how this can benefit any organisation.

Every individual perceives the word in a different way, and the value of that shouldn’t be overlooked.


Inclusivity is all about making spaces where everyone feels valued and respected, with equal opportunities no matter their differences. It’s about creating a culture that celebrates diversity and makes sure people from all walks of life, with different abilities and identities, feel included and can fully take part.

The Equality Act and Protected Characteristics

The Equality Act of 2010 brought together various anti-discrimination laws into one single act, so any unlawful treatment (discrimination, harassment or victimisation) relating to one of the Equality Act’s Protected Characteristics is now protected by law. 

There are 9 protected characteristics within the Equality Act, these are:



Gender Reassignment

Marriage or Civil Partnership

Pregnancy and Maternity


Religion or Belief


Sexual Orientation

Learn More About Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity

The following video explains more about Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity.